The current pandemic of the novel coronavirus and the subsequent rapid spread of COVID-19 have disrupted the regular operations of all our businesses. We are no exception to that and have already taken steps in the past weeks to ensure the safety of our employees and continuity of our service to you, our customers.

  • Over a week ago we already cancelled all customer events, meetings and trade-shows to minimize contact possibilities.
  • All travel is restricted. We will be following any additional guidance on freedom of movement or isolation from the authorities as they change.
  • To minimize contagion spread, all employees have been instructed to work from home until further notice and to actively practice social distancing, both among colleagues and the general public.
  • Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, we had already begun with the implementation of the newest generation of collaboration tools. This process was accelerated and completed last week so that all employees are able to effectively work from home.
  • All employees are being asked to report any symptoms resembling COVID-19 to both the local health authorities as well as the company. In addition, all employees are asked to maintain elevated levels of personal hygiene.

We understand that this is an utmost exceptional time for both you as our customers and for us as a team. We are continuing to look at ways we can help you with the rapidly changing situation within the aviation industry.

Our operations are continuing and, at this time, we see no significant impact in our ability to support our customers during this critical time. We are available as you are used to and will be just as responsive as always to your needs.

You need further assistance? Please contact us via

Wishing you all a safe and healthy time over the coming weeks.




Discover new route opportunities for your airport

Discover new route opportunities for your airport

Research conducted by BEONTRA reveals that more than half of all newly introduced routes have an origin-destination (OD) market size below 1,000 passengers prior to the opening. This finding proves that the common approach to use OD demand data to identify potential...

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